If you are interested in some background material on the upcoming Mini-Medical Schools, I have included a short annotated bibliography.
The August session will feature Francesca Ferrari, L.Ac. Doctor of Medical Qigong speaking on Chinese Medicine. The classic introductory book of Chinese Medicine for laypersons is: The Web That Has No Weaver by Ted Kaptchuk, OMD. This is a tour de force of the theory of Chinese medicine told by the acknowledged master. His manner is engaging and there are illustrations from daily life that bring the text alive.
The October session will be presented by MarthaElin Mountain, Ed.D., M.A., MFT. I heartily recommend her book Midlife Check-In: Who am I Really? This book reveals your unique midlife path not by telling, but by your own direct experience as you work through the interactive exercises. The text draws from the tradition of depth psychology which was enriched by generations of thoughtful and gifted women. A real gem of a book.
In December, we will talk about the new genetics and its impact on healthcare. You can get a wonderful, free book and other materials from the National Institute of Health website: http://publications.nigms.nih.gov/thenewgenetics/
I also strongly recommend you look at the crowd-sourced website for rare and chronic diseases, Patients Like Me: https://www.patientslikeme.com/
Have a wonderful summer.