I know many of you are concerned about radiation leaking from the nuclear power plants in Japan. I would like to give you the best links to current and unbiased information. I recommend the Physicians for Social Responsibility website at www.psr.org and also the Union of Concerned Scientists website www.ucsusa.org.
I have been a member of these organizations over that last twenty years and they are the most credible and intelligent sources of information available. I know many of you are considering stocking up on SSKI (supersaturated iodine). This is now in short supply and only prevents thyroid cancer induced by radioactive iodine. It does not prevent other radiation induced cancers. There is a good summary on the Center for Disease Control website on SSKI www.bt.cdc.gov/radiation/ki.asp.
We will just have to wait and see what will progress over the next few days and weeks. We all hold the people of Japan in our hearts and prayers.